Tuesday, December 25, 2007

25 Dec 2007

My Christmas presents from my mother.
Refrigerator magnets!

My Christmas present from my brother.
I don't really know what it is for, but it's made of foam and he got it free at a convention.

Christmas Cat


  1. At least they're cute magnets :)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. My own gave me padded clothes hangers, but in comparison to the story in the NY Times about the $1 sweater (www.nytimes.com/2007/12/23/fashion/23weiner.html), it feels ok.

  3. it's a stress fish. you're supposed to squish it.

    haven't you seen the Smush Bush dolls? they're made out of the same stuff.

    my favorite version of these toys is the squishy foam Viagra pill a friend kept on her coffee table.

    something about it being squishy amused me no end.

  4. I've seen various stress-squish devices, but those tend to be made of softer foam. This is quite hard. One would have to be very stressed out to do anything to this fish, and it would be quite stressful to try. The fish is also the wrong shape/size for squashing. I think it is mostly just an advertisement for some business that is part of the military-industrial complex.

  5. I'm impressed with the Christmas cat. We had Christmas puppy---but only for seconds at a time because he wouldn't keep the bow on his head.

  6. No, no, the tagline for that last photo is supposed to read, "Christmas cat: Priceless!"

  7. My mom got me socks and dangly earrings. At least I'll use the socks. She got my husband an aerogarden.


  8. Hilarious magnets. I got dish towels from my mother. So did my husband, but his has lobsters on them!! (I instantly thought of your post). Somehow, in her narcissistic little way, she probably thought this was perfect.

  9. I got clothes pins from my father. I think he meant well (he gave them to his girlfriend, too).
