Thursday, August 16, 2012

The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new*


How come you are so fixated upon your gender.A female professor in science is nothing new.Should I state that I am a male professor and include that in every e-mail really?
Sent from my iPad

Yes, please do that.

* Samuel Beckett, male writer


  1. I am sorry to tell you that there is no blog titled MaleScienceProfessor. I hope an enterprising reader will correct this.

  2. I found that highly amusing as a human being. I also have a vagina.

  3. After all, how else will anyone know to take him seriously?

  4. Wow, people are amazing. And I say that as a person who most of the time gets "oh, you're a woman, i though your name was male" (in my country it's a female name, here it's unusual but male)

  5. I don't care if this person is male or female but I care DEEPLY and INTENSELY that this person sent their email from an iPad. That is just so so so so so fascinating to me.

  6. Actually, if his name is obviously male in the culture in which he resides and sends email, he is signing all his emails as "male professor".

  7. This is hilarious, as is his (poor) use of syntax and punctuation. In closing, as I say in every message I post online, I have a vagina.

  8. How do you think that a trans* person in science should sign their correspondence?

  9. Anon@8/18/2012:1:02:00

    Shemale Science Professor. ;)

  10. That may be true, but women I still the minority. Especially with my blog,, I've always emphasized that it's purpose is not to bash males. Its purpose is to show that females in engineering, academia, industry, etc. exist, and mainly, to give a different perspective. My perspective is going to be biased in a different way from a male perspective(regardless of profession). It's part of my identity, and shapes the way I few the world...regardless if I have "special" privilege or not.

  11. I love your response!
    I find it amusing that many males in science don't understand that while many students in the sciences are female, a large majority of NIH funding still goes to men.
    In fact, one of my classmates got a diversity grant for being a woman because she gave them all the statistics on such things and proved her case, despite our class being 75% female. She had to get the dean to sign a letter stating she was female to give to NIH. Not sure how she proved it to the dean! Hilarious.

  12. I had to laugh at the email, and I hope you did send him that response! I don't get why he was so fixated at your blogger ID...

    Anyway, just wanted to say I just stumbled across your blog today and I wish I had come across this earlier! Please don't stop blogging :)
