Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Thanks for reading FSP 2008.


Notorious Ph.D. said...

The pleasure is all mine.

(secret word verification word: "probimen" -- the combination of probity and acumen found in FSP and her intelligent and attractive commentariat.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having us crazy folks around - happy 2009!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too!

And thanks for the SOP feature...just got back online and saw it - glad you liked it. I sure had fun writing it.

Coatimundi! Eleventy!!!11!1!!

Anonymous said...

The good thing about your information is that it is explicit enough for students to grasp. Thanks for your efforts in spreading academic knowledge. Regards

Sablivious said...

Our pleasure! HNY to you also!

Anonymous said...

You are welcome and thanks to you too, FSP!