My teenage daughter and some friends came up with a list of possible topics for a character in a theater project. Scan this list and see if you can detect the one that I think does not belong in this list:
Person going through a divorce because he cheated on wife
College student sleeping with best friend's girlfriend
Fifteen year old breaks up with boy/girlfriend over FB
15 year old loser -- family issues, no money, school drop out
Bartender -- free alcohol, works late, loves job
Stripper -- paid well, diseased boyfriend trouble
Meth addict -- depression, well-paid job, boyfriend troubles, no friends
Prostitute who is beaten up by a pimp
Kid starting college - doesn't want anyone to know his mom works there
Gay teenager about to come out
Guilty serial killer
Vegetarian zombies
Tiger Woods
Drug addicted wrestler
A drunk priest
A man addicted to helium
College student sleeping with best friend's girlfriend
Fifteen year old breaks up with boy/girlfriend over FB
15 year old loser -- family issues, no money, school drop out
Bartender -- free alcohol, works late, loves job
Stripper -- paid well, diseased boyfriend trouble
Meth addict -- depression, well-paid job, boyfriend troubles, no friends
Prostitute who is beaten up by a pimp
Kid starting college - doesn't want anyone to know his mom works there
Gay teenager about to come out
Guilty serial killer
Vegetarian zombies
Tiger Woods
Drug addicted wrestler
A drunk priest
A man addicted to helium
Must be the last one. Ain't nothing noble about helium addiction!
The bartender -- seems to be the only one without issues!
Wrong and wrong. I hope that you will both learn from your mistakes and do better on the final exam.
Vegetarian zombies eat cauliflower! Everyone knows this! Right?
Kid starting college - doesn't want anyone to know his mom works there...
Didn't realize that having mom/dad as faculty would aggrieve a teen!
vegetarian zombies - the only one that does not exist...
Kid starting college - doesn't want anyone to know his mom works there.
The rest have what normal people would think of as problems.
Looks like someone else beat me to it.
What do vegetarian zombies say?
"Graaaiins... "
Kid starting college - doesn't want anyone to know his mom works there
I agree with GMP that the one I find most disturbing is the happy bartender.
You might want to sit down and have a talk with your daughter about storytelling.
Tiger Woods seems weird here.
I'd say the first one - kinda boring. The kid starting college probably really in the list...
One of these things is not like the others. Which one is different? Do you know? Can you guess which thing is not like the others before I finish my song.
Vegetarian zombies!!!
When I was a teenager I would have preferred trying to survive as a meth-addicted vegetarian prostitute zombie than go to a college where my parent(s) worked.
But that's just me.
However, not so easy for folks whose daughter didn't start college last year.
Mark P
Its a scary list. If these are the issues teenagers thinks about in America, I am worried for my 7 years old.
Vegetarian zombies - my favorite!!!!!
Prostitute who is beaten by pimp
Its the only scenario that involves a violation of rights.
of course it is the kid who doesn't want anyone to know their parent works at the university!
I agree with the other comments that some are disturbing and I like "vegetarian zombie." These kids are very creative and aware of society.
Studies have shown that 8.7% of teenagers who are interested in cannibalism start to experiment with cannibalism. Although it is an uncomfortable topic, it is important for parents to sit down with their teenagers and have a serious talk about cannibalism and its consequences.
OK, now someone is going to write in with a comment about how their great-aunt was a victim of cannibalism and my stupid joke comment caused them pain. I am getting too cynical to read blogs, perhaps.
I hope that you will both learn from your mistakes and do better on the final exam.
Oh, I get it! It's one of those questions where all I have to do is read the title and the answer is there.
Vegetarian zombies. Those are the ones that don't belong on the list!
Wrong again, but since you already have a zero, I am going to have to find a way to give you a negative grade. At least 5 of your fellow blog-readers had no trouble getting the right answer, so maybe you should study with them in the future.
Also, although I didn't think it was relevant to mention, owing to time we have spent living abroad and the friendships my daughter made and maintains via electronic and other means, this is an international and diverse group of teenagers, girls and boys, not just those from or currently living in the US. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is not correct to interpret this list as indicating anything about American teenagers in particular.
The kid starting college and doesn't want to know mum works there. I have a Prof who has a kid in this position right now! Kid likes the topic, likes the uni, just doesn't want to go there since parent teaches there. My prof is a bit frustrated over that. But I can understand.... It is easier to be just another student than the kid of prof X. You have to battle a lot of prejudice being 'that' kid...
Of course it is the kid with a MOM working at the college, even though the plot "and sues college and mom for a FERPA violation" has a lot of potential.
Folks, it is the one FSP does not like. That was obvious.
Besides, what is wrong with vegetarian zombies? This is for a work of fiction, not real life.
Tiger Woods is the real problem. The character name needs to be Lion Forest to be able to pretend/claim it is not based on a real person.
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