Friday, March 01, 2013

Kitten X Becomes an Administrator

It was not inevitable, but once it happened, no one was surprised. This is particularly strange because even just a few years ago it would have been considered bizarre -- if it had even been considered, which it wouldn't -- to think that Kitten X would ever become an administrator. And now look where we are.

For those who have not been closely following Kitten X's academic career: he was first hired in 2007, following a rigorous search. Remarkably, he received tenure in 2008. Now, in 2013, he has taken on some administrative responsibilities.

It would be incorrect to infer from this that his career has stalled. In fact, he is as energetic as ever. This is why we still call him "kitten", although he is an extraordinarily large cat.

Some have wondered whether it was wise for him to take on administrative responsibilities now, at a time when his days were already happily and productively filled with a wide array of feline activities. Kitten X has no good explanation for why he is doing this.

Does he have the interpersonal skills to be effective as a cat administrator? Kitten X does have some skills, and even some charms, although these charms have an edge to them (at times) and he can be impatient, hyper, and sarcastic. Some of the older cats sigh when they see him coming.

But he means well, mostly.


Anonymous said...

I'm in suspense... will Kitten X regret his decision?!!!

-Reader who just wrote to you recently with similar predicament

Walt Lessun said...

Kitten X will be the paragon of administrators -- just look at the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Is he a Blue Russian? He is beautiful.

EliRabett said...

Well, cats have staff

Female Science Professor said...

He is not any particular kind of cat (stray from animal shelter), but there is probably some Russian blue in there somewhere. He is beautiful and he does have staff.

Anonymous said...

And not one cat hair out of place. How does he do it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks--I really needed a light moment this morning--bad week.

Mark P

Strung out cyclist said...

Definitely a sign of someone who's become too indoctrinated in the system. Being a scientist is supposed to be about wonder and curiosity and figuring things out about the world, not some bullshit artificial politics...

Anonymous said...

to strung out cyclist:

Good grief. Not every moment can be filled with awe and transcendent discoveries. Please let us enjoy a moment of silly cats without judgment.

Unknown said...

Wait, is this post about a cat or a person?

Yamato said...

Hi Fred I think this is about person. How this could be possible if the cat become an administrator? Or maybe the cat as a symbol or icon.

Karen Iris said...

I like!!!

Funny, I've also been seeking admin responsibilities lately....not because I like admin especially....(I'm also a tenured female science prof).... But because the bigger admin tasks mean more $ for my lab. Typically you can get 15-20% of your salary covered by running a graduate program for example, which means that I dont have to take that portion of my salary off my grants so I then have more $ for my research. In an age of NIH cuts, sequester etc that really makes a difference! So I'm chasing admininstration appointments as a sensible response to tight grant money.

Probably kitten is doing the same, no matter how much he says he is just doing admin because he has mad organizational skillz and just feels called to serve the university at a more involved and personal level. Smart kitty....!